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    MasterEase HES 3941

    Poly Aryl Ether based superplasticizer for the production of high-quality precast concrete


    MasterEase HES 3941 is an ​innovative lates tgeneration superplasticizer based on Poly Aryl
    Ether (PAE) polymers and is specially engineered for precast concrete.MasterEase HES 3941 is formulated from unique polymers produced in-house by Master Builders Solutions . The objective of the development of the PAE polymer was to take the characteristics of traditional
    polycarboxylic ether (PCE) admixtures but to modify the
    structure of the polymer to give enhanced rheology and
    robustness to the concrete. The PAE polymers contained in the formulation 
    of MasterEase HES 3941 ensure that enhanced rheology is maintained from time of mixing to time of placing and finishing. The polymer structure of MasterEase HES 3941 is specially designed to improve the rheology of precast concrete, making it very flowable and low viscous even at very low water/cement ratios, without increasing stickiness. Robustness is a distinctive feature
    of the precast concrete produced with MasterEase HES 3941.


    MasterEase HES 3941 is used for the production of highquality precast concrete.


    MasterEase HES 3941 offer the following benefits for the precast concrete industry:

    • Production of highly flowable, robust selfcompacting concrete having a low water cement ratio along with an optimal rheology
    • selfcompacting concrete having a low water
    • cement ratio along with an optimal rheology
    •  Enhanced robustness and consistency in concrete quality with low stickiness
    • concrete quality with low stickiness
    • Environmentally friendly, CO2 reduced mix design optimization
    • design optimization
    • ​ Elimination/reduction of heat curing
    •  Improved surface appearance
    •  Exceptionally high early strength


    MasterEase HES 3941 TDS

    pdf (375,97 Kb)

    Info & price request

    Address: Cairo Festival City, Building A1 Business District, 1st Floor 11835 Cairo, Egypt​

    Hotline Phone: 15560​