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    MasterRheobuild 865 - A high range, water-reducing superplasticiser for rheoplastic concretes 


    MasterRheobuild 865 is formulated from synthetic polymers specially designed to impart rheoplastic qualities to concrete. 

    A rheoplastic concrete is a fluid concrete, easily flowing, but at the same time free from segregation and bleeding having the same w/c ratio as that of a low slump concrete without admixture with a slight set retarding effect. Also, it provides a substantial water reduction effect for promoting high, early and ultimate strengths. 

    MasterRheobuild 865 is chloride-free.

    Where is MasterRheobuild 865 applied?

    • Microsilica concrete 
    • Mass concrete pours
    • Ready-mixed concrete 
    • Long distance transport 
    • Pumped concrete 
    • Casting in hot climates

    What are the advantages of MasterRheobuild 865?

    • Reduced thermal peaks 
    • High workability for longer periods 
    • Lower pumping pressure
    • Delayed setting with longer workability
    • Higher ultimate strengths 
    • Reduced permeability 
    • Improved durability 


    MasterRheobuild 865 TDS

    pdf (398,05 Kb)

    Info & price request

    Address: Cairo Festival City, Building A1 Business District, 1st Floor 11835 Cairo, Egypt​

    Hotline Phone: 15560​