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    ​MasterPozzolith - Ready-to-use water-reducing admixtures for lower strength concrete.

    How does MasterPozzolith work?

    The established MasterPozzolith product family is a series of water-reducing admixtures that maximize the performance of lower strength concrete. These products, based on specific chemistry and dosage can reduce water and influence setting characteristics to desired levels. The result is quality concrete with good finishing properties for standard applications.

    What makes MasterPozzolith a unique solution for customers?

    These water-reducing admixtures can be used to increase slump and workability of concrete without adding water, or reduce water contents of concrete, thereby increasing strength while maintaining slump. The result is more workable concrete for contractors, or increased performance for applications requiring higher strength. ​

    MasterPozzolith Products

    MasterPozzolith 55R

    A plasticising and water reducing admixture with set retarding properties

    MasterPozzolith RMC 4

    A water reducing plasticizing admixture for concrete

    ​​MasterPozzolith 20STD

    Water reducing plasticiser for concrete

    ​​MasterPozzolith RMC 10​

    A low dosage retarding and plasticising admixture for concrete

    MasterPozzolith 390N

    A water reducing multi dosage / plasticiser to produce low slump loss flowable concretes

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