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    MasterGlenium SKY 8588 – New generation superplasticising admixture

    What is MasterGlenium SKY 8588?

    MasterGlenium SKY 8588 is a new generation superplasticiser for concrete. It contains polycarboxylate ether polymers and is specially formulated to give exceptionally high water reduction and significantly reduced slump loss.

    Where does MasterGlenium SKY 8588 work?

    MasterGlenium SKY 8588 is suitable for work with normal to low water/cement ratios. The high water reduction, early strength and slump retention make MasterGlenium SKY 8588 the ideal admixture for the ready-mix concrete industry. The use of MasterGlenium SKY 8588 also allows the manufacture of high performance concrete with high early (18-24 hours) and final strength.

    What is the benefits of using MasterGlenium SKY 8588?

    • High impermeability and strength
    • Improved durability
    • Very high workability
    • No segregation even at high workability
    • Excellent concrete quality
    • Increase productivity.
    • Improve surface appearance.
    • As compared to the traditional superplasticisers, improve engineering properties such as early and ultimate compressive and flexural strengths