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    MasterPozzolith 2020

    PCE water reducing admixture for superior product stability and rheology

    How does MasterPozzolith 2020 work?

    MasterPozzolith 2020 is a robust water reducing admixture based on a specially formulated modification of the latest polycarboxylate ether chemistry from Master Builders Solutions. The product has been primarily developed for all types of normal and specialty concrete classes in the premix, precast and in situ concrete within the target slumps up to 120 mm, providing workable and cohesive mixes with less water.  
    MasterPozzolith 2020 is chloride free and is compatible with all main types of cements and supplementary cementitious materials. MasterPozzolith 2020 conforms to AS 1478 Type WR.

    MasterPozzolith 2020 is recommended for:
    • Most types of concrete where a non-chloride water reducing admixture is required. e.g.- foundations, slabs, driveways, floor slabs, etc.
    • Applications where good rheology, easier screeding and finishing are required for pumped and conventionally placed concrete
    • A combination of water reduction and workability in concrete mixes.

    What makes MasterPozzolith 2020 a unique solution?

    MasterPozzolith 2020  has been specifically developed to enhance overall optimum performance in terms of water reduction, product stability, slump retention, compressive strengths & superior mix rheology, while maintaining control on extension of set retardation. ​

    What are the benefits of MasterPozzolith 2020?

    • Efficient dispersion of binders in ordinary concrete mixes
    • Improved product stability, reducing re-circulation requirements at higher temperatures
    • Improved workability at higher temperatures
    • Improved pump operating pressures
    • Greater cohesion control of lean mixes
    • Reduced water content for a given workability

    Direct contact

    Jason Cichon

    Segment Manager ANZ: Concrete Admixtures

    0407 694 464


    MasterPozzolilth 2020 SDS Australia

    pdf (151.80 Kb)

    MasterPozzolith 2020 Technical Data Sheet

    pdf (203.47 Kb)